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Movable kidney


A kidney that is not firmly attached owing to lack of support of fatty tissue and perinephric fascia.


Floating Kidney; Dislocated Kidney; Wandering Kidney; Renal Mobilis.


A condition where the kidney is released from its moorings of fat, peritoneum, and blood-vessels, and occupies an abnormal position. Various terms are used to designate this condition according to the degree of displacement; thus a palpable kidney is one where the lower edge of the organ can be felt only on deep pressure. A movable kidney is one where the displacement is sufficient to enable one, by firm pressure, to pass the fingers over the upper end of the organ during deep inspiration; while a floating kidney has the field at large.


This condition may be congenital, though usually acquired. It is found more frequently in women than in men, and the right is the one most frequently affected, owing to its position beneath the liver, as with each inspiration the organ is depressed. Tight lacing favors its dislodgment, while repeated pregnancies give rise to relaxation of the abdominal walls. Tumors may also crowd the organ from its natural position. Resorption or wasting of the perirenal fat also favors this condition. In men, heavy lifting or trauma may give rise to it. It is not uncommon in neurasthenics. Drummond believed that in a majority of cases there was a congenital relaxation of the peritoneal attachments.